Have you participated in any of the above Bible studies from Rick Warren? What did you think? Do you have any other favorite Bible studies to recommend to our readers? Leave a comment below. Let Rick Warren take you inside the Scriptures to see what they reveal about twelve of the most pressing questions people ask. Drawing from the examples of different biblical characters who faced the same issues, Warren offers concise, practical insights you can understand and apply in order to move past hardships and experience a life of purpose and significance. Study them for personal use, group studies, and Christian education. Choose a study to begin an interactive discussion with others.
Rick Warren takes you to the Bible for answers to twelve of life’s toughest questions. These free printable online Bible studies will help you in all areas of your life. These studies will allow each member of your small group to learn more about God and His Word. Based on the hit 2016 movie, the guide delves on the 5 important moments in the movie. War Room Bible Study Youve seen the film, now do the study.

Answers from the Bible can change your outlook and your life. This is a great resource for anyone wanting to lead a small group in the office or workplace and contains loads of small group Bible study ideas. Small Group Churches Free Group Curriculum 1 2 Andrew Mason Andrew Mason is the Small Groups Pastor of Real Life Church, a family of churches across the Northern CA region. How can you cope with stress? Rebound from failure? Defeat depression? Have peace of mind? Life’s difficult questions have answers. Right Now Small Group Bible Studies: Right Now has a great selection of studies from leaders like Craig Groeschel, Francis Chan and more. God’s Answers to Life’s Difficult Questions Began by Courtney Joseph in her church, she took the Bible study to the Internet in 2009 and invited ladies all over America to join her in keeping each other accountable to their daily time with the Lord.
Click here to watch the first full session for free on YouTube. A Little More About Good Morning Girls and My Groups Good Morning Girls is an online Bible study for women.

Once you understand these six phases, you can cooperate with God in the process of strengthening your faith and building your character. It’s what Pastor Rick calls the Six Phases of Faith. And God uses a predictable pattern and process to build your faith. Would you like your faith to be stronger? Your faith is like a muscle. A five-part course for small groups that aims to help you discover one simple truth: that God loves you passionately, deeply and unconditionally. Inspired by the original Purpose Driven Life small group study, this all-new curriculum is designed to unite and ignite your small group. Koinonia Institute is an online Bible Institute with a focus on verse-by-verse study where serious Christians can grow in knowledge, understanding, awareness. The What on Earth Am I Here For? small group study is an all-new 6 session video & workbook teaching from Pastor Rick Warren.

Lead your groups in an experience that will answer the most fundamental question everyone faces in life – What on Earth Am I Here For? The understanding of our unique purpose depends on how we answer this question.